Help Guide

This guide is structured to be used in two ways:

A road map to guide you through the DUI process so you know where you stand, what to potentially do and how to possibly preserve your rights and best interests.

A quick reference to find the most pressing and important information that pertains to your current situation.

This guide is more than an informational pamphlet with statistics and charts about DUI laws and car insurance. It is a real-life guide for what to possibly expect and do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

As someone who drove under the influence and paid for it, I can assure you that what you need are the facts and how to use them to get through this situation so the upcoming trials and tribulations are as manageable and affordable as possible.

Hello, my name is Matt !

I’m one of the founders of 2nd Chance Insurance, LLC. and since you are reading this I think we may have something in common! Let me start off by telling you I know how busy you are and I promise if you take 5 minutes out of your day to read all the way through this, it could truly impact the rest of your life. I have spent the last 2 years writing this to help you during this trying time. With the help of researchers, officials, associates, lawyers, and people who went through similar situations, we have assembled one of the most comprehensive documents available. It is 100% FREE, as my gift to you. All I ask is, if you get something out of it, please share this guide so we can help as many people as possible.

First, you might be wondering who 2nd Chance Insurance is and what we can do for YOU. We built this company to help people SAVE money by providing affordable insurance rates as low as $7 per week, and FREE SR22 filings, even if you have a current auto insurance policy, are uninsured, have been convicted of a serious traffic violation, and/or have a poor driving record. We even have great rates for drivers with a clean driving record. We also can help you with your renters insurance, as well as your boat, motorcycle, RV, travel trailer, and/or ATV!

OK, so here we go...

Several years ago I met up with a friend at a local pub. Long story short, we got to talking and had a few drinks. Then of course the unexpected happened: my friend got a call and needed to get home. He didn’t have his car there, and I would’ve let him take mine, but we had both had about the same amount to drink. I felt fine to drive, so I said, “I’ll take you home.”

You know what they say, “Bad things can happen to good people.”

After I dropped him off, I was pulled over and the police officer gave me a breathalyzer test. That test changed my life in ways I never imagined!

We have been in your shoes and walked the same white line. We are not a soulless corporate entity; we understand what you are going through and have created this guide to assist you in these challenging times. We Believe in 2nd Chances.


What is DUI?

We strongly recommend you seek legal counsel regarding your specific situation before taking any action.

I. DUI is defined as “Driving Under the Influence”; a DWI is “Driving While Intoxicated.” There are other terms such as OUI, “Operating Under the Influence,” or OMVI “Operating a Motor Vehicle Intoxicated.” You may also hear terms like OUD “Operating Under Drugs,” OUIL “Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol,” or UBAL, which means operating a vehicle at an “Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level.”

These terms are basically interchangeable but the most important thing to know is what defines this charge and how it will affect your life.

In all 50 states and the District of Columbia, the prevailing legal statute known as “per se” law means if you operate a vehicle while under the influence of anything that can impair your judgment and/or motor skills – it’s against the law. If you think you can handle a few drinks, you may still be legally impaired.

II. Most state laws require you to take a breath or blood test if you are arrested for a DUI. “Implied consent” law says that if you are lawfully arrested by an officer who has probable cause to believe that you have been driving under the influence, then you consent to taking a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine for the purpose of determining your blood alcohol content (BAC). The test must be taken at the time of your arrest, and the officer should give you the choice between a blood or breath test. If neither blood nor breath tests are available, then you have to take a urine test.

Additionally, most implied consent laws say that you consent to taking a preliminary breath test, even if you have not been arrested. This works like a field sobriety test. The officer will use the results to establish probable cause that you were driving under the influence. You do not have to take this preliminary test, and the officer should say so. Refusing it, however, probably won’t work in your favor if the officer has some other reason to think you had been drinking. Based on that other reason, the officer could still arrest you and then you will be required to take a test under the law described in the paragraph above. The penalties for refusing to take a blood, breath, or urine test in most states begin with a one-year automatic suspension of your license. You could lose your license for two years if this is your second refusal or if you already had a reckless-driving or DUI conviction within the last ten years.

III. Further a driver can still be arrested and convicted for DUI even without proof of "per se" intoxication. Other evidence can be used to establish impaired driving. Specifically,

• A driver with a BAC below the legal limit could be found guilty of driving under the influence if an officer perceives your driving as being erratic. Slight weaves over the line, even for a second, can provide police reason to pull you over.

• If a driver exhibits slurred speech, severe inattention during questioning after a vehicle stop or other abnormal behaviors, the police can take further steps.

No one has a special drinking talent or is able to “hold” their liquor. As unique as you may be, don’t be misled into thinking your body weight or the amount of food you’ve eaten will have a substantial effect on the level of alcohol in your system. You may feel the effects differently than others, but the alcohol is still in your blood and can be detected.

The facts surrounding driving while under the influence are stark and staggering.

Legally, the location where you “got drunk” can be held liable, as can you. In 43 different states and D.C., courts can find the establishment or private persons equally responsible for any damages and injuries incurred or caused by the intoxicated driver. For instance, if you got inebriated while at a bar, dinner, a show or a friend’s house, etc., they may also be charged. So, even if you think “you’re ok to drive,” remember your actions may affect others.

  • About one-third of all drivers arrested and/or convicted of driving under the influence are repeat offenders.
  • 1 out of 139 drivers are arrested for DUI.
  • Over 15,000 people die every year because of alcohol related traffic accidents.
  • 3 out of every 10 people in the United States will be in an alcohol-related traffic incident.
  • It is estimated that every 39 minutes a drunk driver causes the death of an individual.

How a DUI Affects Your Life

“That test changed my life in ways I never imagined.”

Being convicted of a DUI changes your life and affects the lives of those close to you. You are not the only person affected. Family, friends and loved ones can feel the emotional and sometimes the financial impact of a DUI conviction.

The penalties for a DUI conviction can include; jail, loss of license, court, legal fees, court costs, fines, community service, DUI classes, driving school, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Victim Impact Panel (VIP), rehabilitation, probation, Ignition Interlock Device, increased auto insurance rates. The severity of these penalties is based on the circumstances of the arrest and an individual’s history.

• If the driver has a history of DUI violations;

• If the driver was operating a commercial vehicle at the time of the DUI;

• If the driver was under the influence while a child was in the vehicle;

• If the driver was under the influence and committing another dangerous moving violation, such as reckless driving, failure to obey traffic laws or operating an unsafe vehicle – broken tail light or headlight, etc.;

• If the driver was under the influence and involved in a car accident in which property damage occurred, or in which a person was injured or killed.

Important information for you to know:

Your Driver’s License will likely be suspended.


This can occur before a conviction and may be for 30 days or longer. The State Driver’s License Authority (DMV, Secretary of State, etc.) can revoke your driving privileges before the court determines if you’re guilty. In many states, first- and second-time offenders can receive a "Restricted License".  This will allow you to drive to and from work, to and from school and other destinations as the court deems valid. This type of license isn’t freely given and you must prove you have a genuine need. If you do not request an administrative hearing in the specified time allotted (usually within 10 days of your arrest), you will not be able to get a restricted license. At that point you will have to wait until your suspension or revocation period is over before your driver's license will be returned.

*Contact the State Driver’s License Authority and/or an attorney for more details and specifics for your particular situation. (may not apply in all states).

Your vehicle could be impounded.


a. Usually police will impound your vehicle when you are arrested. Dealing with impound is costly and frustrating. *Contact the police precinct for information regarding the release of your vehicle.

Your employer may have the right to know of your arrest and take action against you.


Depending upon your contract, or if you are an “At Will Employee,” employers have the right to terminate employees who violate their “code of conduct.” A DUI arrest can be considered a violation.  It is best to consult with your attorney to determine your rights, which can vary depending upon the State in which you live and the particulars of your employer’s conduct rules.  Whether or not you will need to inform your boss of your DUI should be discussed and determined by your legal counsel. *Consult your employee handbook and talk to your attorney for more details.

If you are looking for work your criminal background may be checked. Whether or not your prospective employer wishes to take this into account is at their discretion.  However, if you want to work for the Government or need security clearance, then you may want to re-think your options as these employment entities have access to your personal records that regular businesses do not.

Your insurance company will most likely increase your rates to triple your current rate, or they may cancel your policy altogether.


You will need a special kind of insurance policy that includes a Certificate of Financial Responsibility, called an SR-22 or FR-44. The SR-22 is required for “high risk” drivers including those with DUI convictions. We here at 2nd Chance Insurance will give you the best rates and service available. We also specialize in “High Risk” auto insurance policies, as well as all your regular insurance needs. (see chapter V. for more details).

Navigating through the Mess:


1. After probation, life doesn’t just go back to normal. Now, you have to contend with a DUI conviction on your record. This will follow you until it has been expunged or relieved.

2. If you were driving under the influence and were pulled over without incident, consider yourself lucky. Too often, DUI offenders cause damage to property or even worse. Should your offense include physical injury to another person or cause their death the consequences are typically very severe.

3. In cases where your DUI resulted in physical harm of a person and/or property damage, your insurance company may not cover everything. Usually the damaged party will file an additional claim against you and seek additional compensation above whatever settlement your auto insurance policy allows. This could result in the loss of your financial holdings, property and/or the garnishment of your wages should you not be able to pay the full amount up front. find a Tennessee DUI Attorney!

In the wake of a traumatic event there are several stages a person may experience. It is highly recommended that you seek professional treatment in order to be able to help cope and manage your emotions and stress.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is usually associated with soldiers that have come home from the horrors of war; however the same feelings of shock, disillusionment, shame, grief and more are just as real and just as valid. As with any dramatic life-changing event, people will move through various stages of emotional turmoil. Being able to identify those stages and understand their impact can help you get through them.

In cases where your DUI resulted in physical harm of a person and/or property damage, your insurance company may not cover everything. Usually the damaged party will file an additional claim against you and seek additional compensation above whatever settlement your auto insurance policy allows. This could result in the loss of your financial holdings, property and/or the garnishment of your wages should you not be able to pay the full amount up front.


The fact that this has happened to you and how it affects those close to you can result in a complete shutdown of reality. Some people will completely deny the event or move through their process in a state of shock. It is important to come to grips with your situation so you can prepare to deal with it.


It is not uncommon for people to rationalize their behavior and seek to make a deal with their faith as a way to absolve them of the act. In reality, the only deal is the one your attorney can make with the courts and any injured party.


In most cases a person will likely feel guilty for their DUI. The levels of guilt are often associated with the severity of the crime.

Anger – This is a common emotional response that can include being angry at the officer that pulled you over, the bartender that gave you that last drink or some person real or imagined that “caused” you to drink too much. The truth is less flattering because no one forced you to drive impaired. Be real, you are angry at yourself. That’s understandable but be careful to recognize this was a mistake and an error in judgment. Beating yourself up forever will only leave you bruised with the emotional damage preventing you from putting your life back together.

Depression – Feeling sad about what you have done and are going through is perfectly normal. The key to life is to not make it the focal point of your existence. Talk to someone--a doctor, counselor, friend, religious leader or whomever, as long as you don’t hold it inside and suffer in silence. This will do nothing but eat away at you. Take a deep breath and get help should you need it.

Acceptance – Eventually, it is necessary to accept what has happened and work through it. It will not disappear so you might as well face it and do what you must. It will get better as you move towards the resolution.

As you experience these different stages, be aware of the effects they will have on yourself and others. A feeling of isolation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and complete lack of caring about anything can take hold of you. Remember that what you feel are emotions that can affect your loved ones as well. Be strong and keep focused on the daily tasks that provide you with something to do. Set your goals and objectives to put yourself on the right course and stay on it until you have completed it. Occupying your time with constructive tasks can help keep you balanced, and as you accomplish each item you will feel better and still of value. get help with PTSD!



Your financial obligations may include more than legal fees, fines and court costs. Getting help to cover your assets can help you with more than just holding onto your piggy bank. The emotional toll taken on you by weathering the storm that may leave you in monetary ruin can be averted or at least alleviated to some degree.

Financial losses average an estimated $10,000 when adding up your; legal fees, court costs, fines, community service, DUI classes, driving school, Victim Impact Panel (VIP), rehabilitation, probation, and increase in auto insurance, yet this is not considering how much you could have to pay if another party is involved that has incurred damages and/or injury.

Here are some of the expenses you could incur.

Bail = $150 - $2,500+ depending on the court and bond company.

Towing = $100 and up depending on the city, the towing company and impound lot.

Medical costs (if applicable) = cost projections can be anywhere from just the cost of a co-pay for your doctor’s visit to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the kind of injury you and other parties that may have been involved have sustained. The cost of follow-up treatments, medications and therapy just compound the costs.

Legal = Attorney fees can range from a low rate of $150 per hour to several hundred dollars. You should expect many hours to be accumulated during your entire process.

Insurance = your insurance rates will go up or your insurance company may cancel your policy all together. If they keep you, it’s not unusual for the rate to rise 3 times above what it was before.

It is important to protect yourself and your family.

I. Posting Bond – One of the first expenses you may incur will most likely be when you have to put up money for your bail if you are jailed when first arrested. Usually bail bondsmen will put up the bond for the court. You will be responsible for 10% of the full amount of the bail imposed by the court, which is paid to the bail agency. This is merely a down payment and a promise to the bondsman and the court that you will appear at the hearing. If you fail to appear, the court will revoke your probation and charge the bond company with the full amount of the bail. The bondsmen will in turn charge you this money and come after you for payment. Now you’ll have the police and a bounty hunter after you. Not a good place to be.

II. Be aware You may be sued for money beyond what your insurance company will pay out. It is best to seek help from a financial advisor. If you have financial holdings that could be attached or seized, you may want to discuss how best to protect your assets.

III. Get a plan together – examine your current income stream, what you are obligated to pay out for restitution, classes etc., and develop short-range and long-range goals and objectives for your future needs. Keep in mind that whatever the present situation, things change; plan for all things possible. view DUI Offense Penalties and Costs in Tennessee!

Under 21 years
old and driving
under the influence

Just one drink may cause you to lose your driver’s license for up to a year or until your 18th birthday, whichever is greater or as the judge decides. The court can also confiscate the vehicle involved whether you own it or not.

Like an adult, a minor charged with a DUI will most likely be prosecuted on two fronts – the State Driver’s License Authority (DMV, Secretary of State, etc.) will probably suspend your license and the criminal court could impose; jail time, court costs, fines, community service, DUI classes, driving school, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Victim Impact Panel (VIP), rehabilitation, probation, Ignition Interlock Device, increased auto insurance rates.

Under 21 years
old and driving
under the influence

Being convicted of a DUI as a minor comes with additional complications:

• College Admission Forms require applicants inform the school of any convictions.

o However, this does not necessarily bar the applicant from being accepted.

• If a College student is underage and convicted, it could affect their academic standing.

• Employers may be entitled to be informed of criminal convictions.

o This does not automatically deny employment, however, should you not disclose your conviction and it is subsequently discovered by your employer, your job could be terminated.

Here are the Numbers for Underage Drinking and Driving:

• There are over 10 million underage drinkers in the USA.

• Many teenagers are misinformed about alcohol and its effects on driving. Most believe a 12 ounce can of beer has less alcohol than a shot of hard liquor. It’s the same.

• 32% of drivers ages 16 to 20 had an invalid license at the time they were arrested with a BAC level of .08 or above.

• Underage drivers ages 16 to 20 who did not wear their seat belts were three times as likely to have consumed alcohol at the time of their arrest.

• Approximately 28% of high school students have ridden with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.

• 31% of teenage car accidents involve alcohol.

• Over 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year as a result of underage drinking, 1,900 of those deaths are due to auto accidents.

The DUI Flow Chart of Events

Once you’ve gone through the process of being tested, arrested and processed at the jail, what you thought was one of the worst moments in your life can get even worse. The first thing to remember in this kind of situation is to stay calm. It’s not the easiest thing to do but it’s important you view and act on what happened with an even, dispassionate demeanor. In other words; focus on what you need to do.

Below are the likely series of events that will take place after a DUI arrest. These are procedures you need to be aware of and possible actions you should consider taking. Be mindful that your ultimate goal is to come out of this with the best possible resolution.

Step 1 - Jail Time

if you are arrested and taken to jail you may be held until your arraignment hearing, unless you can post bail, unless you can post bail or are released on your own recognizance. You, your lawyer or someone else will need to contact a bail bondsman to arrange for your bail to be paid. The bail amount will be determined by the court, and you are usually responsible for 10% of the full bail amount. If you fail to appear at your hearing(s), a bench warrant will be issued for your immediate arrest, your bond revoked and you will have to pay the full amount to the bail company.


Step 3 – Pay DUI Costs

After you pay your fines, court costs, probation fees, legal fees and other related costs, you must fulfill your probation requirements. However satisfying your probation does not mean you automatically get your license back. You have to earn back your driving privileges.

The majority of states in the U.S. require the person convicted of a DUI to go through an educational program. Depending upon the severity of your sentence, you may have to enter into a rehabilitation program as well. Remember, this is part of the process and because it is a process, it is something you can get through.

Step 2 - Court Time

it is very likely you have to go to court. During this time a variety of issues may arise depending upon the complexity of your case.

• Court costs.
o Your tax dollars don’t cover the costs to prosecute your criminal activities. This will come out of your pocket and your auto insurance does not cover it.

• Fines.
o If you are convicted, part of the penalty requires you pay monetary fines. The amount depends on state laws and the presiding judge.

• Loss of your Driver’s license.
o The period of time license is revoked depends on your State’s statutes and decision of the court and/or plea agreement. Many states require a probation period as well as at least some community service or jail time depending upon various legal elements of the case.
o Probation involves paying probation fees and completing all the terms of your probation.

“This isn’t your entire entire life, it is a series of events you will live through and move on.”

• In many states, a part of the process to get your driving privileges back will include meeting with a counselor to determine if you have a drug and/or alcohol problem. Should it be decided you do have a substance abuse issue you will be required to attend a court appointed support group, get outpatient counseling, therapy or even go through a rehabilitation program.

o Remember that whatever treatment or support group is required of you, you are also responsible for the costs.

o The State has a responsibility to address the reasons behind your use of drugs or alcohol while driving, and as such will ensure that you complete any and all ordered rehabilitation prior to receiving your driver’s license back.

• Ignition Interlock Devices – Even after you have satisfied the court by completing your rehabilitation, probation, and paying all costs and fines, you may still be required to have an ignition lock placed on your vehicle. Even first time offenders may need to have the device installed.

o The ignition Interlocking Device prevents the vehicle from starting if it detects alcohol on your breath. These devices are expensive and you will pay for them as well. Trying to “fool” the device by having another person blow into it can be cause for immediate suspension of your license as well as additional fines, probation, community service or jail time.

II. If for any reason you let your auto insurance lapse (even for a missed payment) your SR-22 will be invalid and the State Driver’s License Authority (DMV, Secretary of State, etc.) will be informed automatically and your license will be suspended. However, if you continue as required uninterrupted, after 3 to 5 years you will usually be granted removal of the SR-22 status and reinstatement of your normal driving privileges.

Most states require an SR-22, and there are only a few that don’t. For example, in California a SR-22 is an absolute requirement, but if you were to move to another state it doesn’t automatically carry over. Check each state to make sure you are in compliance. Remember, the reverse is just as true so if you move from a state that doesn’t require you to file a SR-22 to one that does, it’s best to get your policy as quickly as possible to avoid any problems. If you are caught driving in a state and don’t have the proper insurance, you most likely will lose your license, have to pay more fines, do community service or even be required to serve more time in jail.

Under 21 years
old and driving
under the influence

I. An SR-22 is the name of the Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Insurance Policy) that you must obtain, and is required by law when you have been convicted of a DUI. This certificate, also known in some states as a FR-44, is obligatory to have and maintain if you want to drive. Most states will make you maintain an SR-22 for at least three to five years. Even if you don’t own a vehicle, you may still need to get a Non-Owner SR-22.

When you need to obtain a SR-22 the likely thing to do would be to contact your current insurance company. Unfortunately, since most insurance companies do not lean favorably towards those in the “High Risk” category, don’t be surprised if they just cancel your policy. If they don’t cancel your policy, the cost can potentially be more than 3 times as much as you have paid previously. Many auto insurance companies don’t even offer an SR-22 because the policies are associated with the less than stellar drivers that most companies prefer to avoid.

III. If you do not own a vehicle the court could require you get a Non-Owner SR-22. This tells The State Driver’s License Authority (DMV, Secretary of State, etc.) that the insurance company has issued minimum liability coverage for you. Don’t misunderstand the difference between this and the standard SR-22. The Non-Owner SR-22 is only associated with the driver and not with any vehicle he or she operates. The coverage is the minimum required by law for basic liability.

Some auto insurance companies offer SR-22 coverage, however not all of them charge the same amount. 2nd Chance Insurance specializes in providing the most competitive rates. We understand the requirements for both your legal and financial coverage. We also specialize in “High Risk” polices, as well as all your regular insurance needs.

At 2nd Chance Insurance we’ve been where you are and can help you with all your insurance needs. Let the people that have walked a mile in your shoes give you a 2nd Chance.


“It’s not how you start the race, it’s how you finish that matters most.”

We hope you have learned more about what happens when you are arrested for a DUI and that this Guide has been informative and helpful when addressing the serious consequences of being charged with impaired driving. Please be mindful of the specific laws that pertain to driving under the influence in your State. As always, seek the advice of an attorney if you ever find yourself in this or any situation that would require legal counsel.

2nd Chance Insurance is dedicated to providing the most competitive rates for all your insurance needs. We specialize in SR-22 and “High Risk” insurance policies and understand the importance of fulfilling the insurance requirements placed upon you. It is our mission to offer more than merely quality insurance coverage at the most cost-effective rates. Again, we have been where you are and want to give the kind of understanding, quick response, top-flight service and attention to detail that is often over looked by those finding themselves lost and alone at this difficult time in their lives.

At this moment, emotions can run high and a sense of panic and hopelessness may be the overwhelming feeling. Take a deep breath and remember this is an episode in your life, not the end of it. We are here to help bring reality and facts to your situation but most importantly we want to let you know that things can and will get better. Over the course of the coming weeks and months there will be much to get through, however, keep in mind that the whole of your life is not encapsulated within one incident. There is no denying that this is a defining moment, but we must all face them at various times. The success of your life depends upon how you deal with it.

This is an opportunity to do things right and we can help. This Guide has offered a synopsis of important information you will need to know and act upon. The hardest part of the longest journey is always the first step. Reading this Guide is a positive action that will hopefully be followed by many more. As you move forward, be aware that there will be challenges, setbacks and even times when things feel impossible.

Nothing is impossible. This will be difficult and overwhelming at times, but keep your mind set on the ultimate goal and you can make it.

Others have gone down this road before you, survived and even thrived and we believe you can too. One step at a time, one action to be followed up by another, and before you know it you will have satisfied your conditions and be able to get back to your normal life!

Contact us at 2nd Chance Insurance for the next phase and how to get the right SR-22 auto insurance policy that meets your specific needs and low cost rates.

We are here for you because we know everyone deserves a 2nd Chance!


Glossary of Terms

2nd Chance Insurance – Your best resource for DUI and “High Risk” auto insurance policies and SR-22 or FR-44 certificates, as well as all your other insurance needs. Administrative Hearing - A DMV appearance to ascertain if the DUI offender should be granted restricted driving privileges.

Administrative License Revocation or Administrative License Suspension - After conviction of a DUI, your driver’s license is confiscated and your driving rights are automatically suspended. This is independent of any criminal proceedings.

Alcohol Education - Programs and classes that provide information about the dangers of alcohol abuse and its impact.

Arraignment - The legal document summoning the person to court to answer an indictment. At Will Employee – Employee agreement with employer that allows for either party to terminate their work relationship without reason.

Bail – Money or property that is pledged to the court in order to secure your release from jail until your hearing. If you fail to appear, your Bail is forfeit.

Bail Bondsman - Person or company that will provide Bail for the defendant based upon compensation given to them by said defendant. Usually the bail bondsman will post the full amount of the bail and the defendant will give them a

Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC - The level of concentration of alcohol in the blood. This is expressed as the weight of alcohol in a fixed volume of blood and used as a measurement for the degree of intoxication in an individual that is suspected of being intoxicated.

Certificate of Financial Responsibility– Also known as a SR-22 or FR-44.

Community Service – The performance of designated tasks and duties as mandated by the court as punishment for a crime.

Convicted – To be found guilty of a crime.

Court Costs - Fees, fines and penalties associated with the accused court appearance, trial and sentencing.

Criminal Conviction – The judgment of the court and/or judge that finds the accused to be guilty of a crime.

District Attorney or “DA” – The public official who acts as the prosecutor for the State or Federal government in a specific district.

Driving Under The Influence – The act of operating a vehicle while intoxicated by drugs and/or alcohol.

Drunk Driving – The crime of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

Dry Reckless – A plea bargain to a misdemeanor charge to reckless driving charges.

DUI School – Drug and Alcohol education programs often required for the person convicted of a DUI. These classes are designed to inform about the dangers of operating a vehicle while under the influence.

DUI, DWI, OUIL, UBAL, DUIL, DWUI, OUD, OMVI, OUI, OWI – Various acronyms that stand for: Driving under the Influence, Driving While Intoxicated, Operating Under Influence of Liquor, Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level, Driving Under the Influence of Liquor, Driving While Under the Influence, Operating a Motor Vehicle while Intoxicated, Operating Under the Influence, Operating While Intoxicated.

Felony DUI – Criminal charges that amount to a 1st or 2nd degree felony charge. Usually this results from the accused causing bodily injury or death as a result of driving under the influence.

Field Sobriety Test or FST– the evaluations done by law enforcement officers in making roadside determinations as to whether a motorist is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Fines – Monetary amounts affixed by the court pertaining to the sentencing of the DUI conviction.

FR-44– Also known as a SR-22, this is a certificate of financial responsibility while you are on probation for a DUI or other offences. It is secured as one of the required steps to continue your driving privileges.

High Risk - Activities that are unacceptable and considered a poor risk for insurance companies such as DUI convictions, reckless driving, etc.

Ignition Interlock Device or Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device or IID or BAIID – A device that is locked onto the vehicle that prevents the vehicle from starting unless the driver can pass the breath test.

Impaired Driving - Driving under the influence (driving while intoxicated, drunk driving, operating under the influence, drinking and driving, drunk-driving).

Implied Consent – Consent that is not given but inferred by a person’s actions and the circumstances of the situation.

Intoxication – The state in which a person's normal capacity to act or reason is inhibited by the effects of drugs and/or alcohol.

Legal Fees – The cost affixed by your attorney for their services in your defense.

Mandate– A decree that dictates provisional actions pertinent to a crime.

Misdemeanor DUI – First time offenders of a DUI violation may be charged with a Misdemeanor, or lower level charge. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers or MADD – An organization that educates people on the hazards and devastation caused by people who have used drugs and/or alcohol while driving.

Non-Owner SR-22 - A type of policy for those who neither own a car nor have regular access to a vehicle.

Open Container Laws- Regulations regarding the prohibition of open containers of alcohol in a vehicle. “Per Se” Law - Laws that declare it illegal to drive a vehicle above a certain alcohol level, as measured by a blood or breath test.

Posting Bail The act of submitting your bail to the court to secure your release.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD - A severe mental anxiety disorder, usually as a result from a personal trauma.

Probation – A period of time when restrictions are placed upon a person for crimes committed.

Public Defender – An attorney appointed by the court to act as the lawyer for the defendant.

Reckless Driving – Operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner.

Rehabilitation – Educational and/or therapeutic programs that offenders may be required to go through in order to satisfy the court’s mandate. This may involve physical and mental treatments as well as education on the dangers of drug and alcohol use.

Restricted License – A restriction or condition placed on a person’s driving privileges.

Restricted or Provisional License - A restriction or condition placed on a person's driver’s license when they have been convicted of driving under the influence.

SR-22 A Certificate of Financial Responsibility required for those convicted of a DUI in order to continue with their driving privileges. There are multiple other reasons why some might be ordered to carry an SR-22. State Driver’s License Authority or DMV or Secretary of

State – Government authority that issues driver’s licenses for motor vehicles.

Suspended License - A driver’s license that has its privileges removed for a period of time.

Temporary License Also known as an interim license. Usually given to people who have just passed the driver’s exam.

Wet Reckless – A plea to a charge of reckless driving which was "alcohol related." A wet reckless results from a plea bargain to reduce a charge of drunk driving, when the amount of blood alcohol was borderline illegal, there was no accident, and no prior record.

Zero Tolerance – The policy of imposing automatic punishments upon persons that have committed a crime.